St Vincent pallotti Secondary School
St Vincent pallotti Secondary School
St Vincent pallotti Secondary School


St Vincent pallotti Secondary School

Loving greetings to you from St. Vincent Pallotti School, Indore.

The Corona virus is still refusing to let the humans live a peaceful life. Everyone is forced to accept the fact that it won’t always be sunshine and rainbows but pain, tears, loss and sickness too are our co-passengers in the journey of life. Despite the irreversible loss of many of our dear and near ones the pandemic has also left a great lesson for us who are still alive. It has given us a chance to do something extraordinary, that is, creating a world of love. A world where each of us can be kinder to each other, going beyond the man made barriers of class, race, creed and religion because the virus does not care about none of these. Let love and kindness be the road map for a post Corona world.

At Pallotti, we always encourage to teach and practice these values. True education is beyond earning degrees; it is more than bookish knowledge. We believe that true education teaches the young people to be other-centered than to be self-centered. It is necessary to study books for getting a job but not enough to live a meaningful and valuable life. We wish to help our students in gaining insights to the very purpose of life and thereby focus on giving meaning, happiness and stability to life.

I thank you all for choosing St. Vincent Pallotti School for imparting all round education and growth of your child. Dear students you have been planted in the right place that would mould you for a bright future. Approach your school, the seat of wisdom, with humility and God who is the source all knowledge fill you with His knowledge and wisdom. I wish the Principal, the teaching and non teaching staff, students and parents abundant blessings of the Almighty.

With every good wish I remain,

Fr. K.P.Thomas